
The University of Denver works hard to support your success as a graduate student.

在杜克大学期间, 你和你的同学都是研究者, 作家, 社区领袖, 助教, 和 integral parts of our 50 centers 和 institutes. 你们收获了我们创新的果实 4 d的经验, which deepens your intellectual 成长th 和 promotes personal discovery. This multi-dimensional academic approach sparks curiosity 和 fuels your future adventures.



在杜克大学,我们重视你的整体健康. 为了帮助你茁壮成长 Student Support Offices provide an array of resources such as advising, career support, disability services, counseling, 和 more.  

Access to these resources 和 a supportive environment enrich the quality of your 学生生活 经验, 激励个人成长和发展, 和 empower you with practical tools to achieve greatness in your post-graduation endeavors.


Our 200+ graduate 项目 are grounded in four core learning outcomes that define what you accomplish 和 the competencies you develop through your unique DU graduate school 经验. Although each program translates these objectives into different measurable results, 研究生毕业生: 

  • Advanced theoretical 和 disciplinary knowledge 和 skills through discovery, 应用程序, 和表达.
  • Professional 和 ethical identity, values, 和 leadership.
  • 跨文化、本地和全球参与.
  • 批判性智力参与. 

探索杜的 研究生学习成果 以及它们如何转化成你的成功故事.



Once you complete your degree program 和 graduate from the University of Denver, 你踏上了一条新的职业道路. Whether you decide to tackle a new leadership position or switch to a different industry, 我们支持您的职业发展. 

为了帮助你在这段旅程中,杜的职业生涯 & 专业发展 is committed to equipping you with career skills 和 经验 that empower your professional aspirations. We 与公司合作, 非营利组织, startups 和 other organizations to help connect our graduates with job opportunities. We also host networking events 和 provide career coaching for our alumni well after graduation. More than 25% of employed master's students found their jobs through DU connections,我们渴望帮助你加入这一行列.

作为研究生或校友, 你可以参加我们的社交活动, 收到对你简历的反馈, 简历和求职信, meet with a career coach to distill your professional goals, 和 find your next job, share your expertise or become a mentor 通过 CrimsonConstellation.

无论您的需求如何,杜的职业生涯 & 专业发展 is eager to help you navigate your post-graduate career search. 

职业生涯 & 专业发展




University of Denver student Sneha Sawlani l和ed an internship at Amazon.

Computer science master's student Sneha Sawlani used the 经验 she gained from her work at DU to l和 an internship with Amazon. She later turned that internship into a full-time position.

Kayanne Klipka, DU master's graduate in library information sciences.

After practicing research data management on an academic research team, Kayanne Klipka — master's graduate in library information sciences —encourages new students to embrace curiosity 和 explore their options.



在杜, we recognize our graduate student body is filled with individuals from a wide range of diverse backgrounds 和 经验s. 确保所有学生都能学习, 成长, 并在一个更加公平的环境中取得成功, 包容的环境, 我们正在投资多元化, 股本, 和 inclusion initiatives for the well-being of our students, 教师, 工作人员, 和社区.

By establishing actionable measures 和 upholding accountability, 在一起, 我们可以实现一个更具包容性的DU.

DU的多样性,公平, & 包容

